Italian sayings about cats

1. "Gatto ci cova." (The cat is brooding.)

2. "Meglio un gatto vivo che un topo morto." (Better a live cat than a dead mouse.)

3. "Avere altri gatti da pelare." (To have other cats to skin.)

4. "Il gatto sa tutto, ma non parla." (The cat knows everything, but doesn't speak.)

5. "Essere come il gatto che si morde la coda." (To be like a cat biting its own tail.)

6. "Gatto padrone non fa topi." (A cat that is the master doesn't catch mice.)

7. "Chi ha paura del gatto non prende il pesce." (He who is afraid of the cat won't catch the fish.)

8. "Il gatto sa dove trovarsi il pesce." (The cat knows where to find the fish.)

9. "Il gatto non fa il topo." (The cat doesn't act like a mouse.)

10. "Quando il gatto non c'è, i topi ballano." (When the cat is away, the mice will play.)

Above is Italian sayings about cats.

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