Intonational phrases and sayings

1. "It's all good."

2. "No worries."

3. "You got this."

4. "Just keep swimming."

5. "Chin up."

6. "Piece of cake."

7. "Hang in there."

8. "Easy does it."

9. "Take it easy."

10. "Stay positive."

Above is Intonational phrases and sayings.

Life is a quotes and sayings

Life is what happens when you're busy making other plans. - John LennonIn the end, it's not the years in your life that count. It's the life in your years. - Abraham LincolnThe purpose of our lives is to be happy. - Dalai LamaLife is 10% what happens to us and 90% how we react to it. - Charl

Cute postcard sayings

1. Wish you were here!2. Sending you sunshine and smiles.3. Just a little note to brighten your day.4. Thinking of you from afar.5. You're my favorite hello and hardest goodbye.6. Life is better with friends like you.7. Distance means so little when someone means so much.8. Hugs and k

New years eve 2021 sayings

1. Cheers to a new year and another chance for us to get it right. - Oprah Winfrey2. Tomorrow is the first blank page of a 365-page book. Write a good one. - Brad Paisley3. New year, new beginnings, new opportunities. Let's make it a memorable one! 4. May the new year bring you courage to bre

Corny sayings for your girlfriend

1. You're the cheese to my macaroni.2. You're the peanut butter to my jelly.3. You're the sprinkles on my ice cream.4. You're the sunshine on my rainy days.5. You're the cherry on top of my sundae.6. You're the marshmallow to my hot chocolate.7. You're the melody to my music.8. You're

Walking dead sayings

1. We are the walking dead. - Rick Grimes2. Fight the dead, fear the living. - Daryl Dixon3. In this life now, you kill or you die. Or you die and you kill. - The Governor4. We're all infected. - Dr. Edwin Jenner5. The world ended. Didn't you get the memo? - Abraham Ford6. You kill or you

Cute country quotes and sayings

1. Home is where the heart is.2. Life is better on the farm.3. Country roads, take me home.4. Simpler times, sweeter memories.5. Country living, simple pleasures.6. Sunshine and country air make a good heart.7. In the country, every season has its own beauty.8. Country life is the bes

You are always going to missing out something quotes sayings

Life is a series of missed opportunities and unexpected blessings.

Ballerina birthday card sayings

1. Wishing you a twirl-tastic birthday filled with grace and elegance!2. May your special day be as fabulous as a ballerina's pirouette!3. Sending you a birthday filled with all the beauty and grace of a prima ballerina.4. Dance through your birthday with joy and grace, just like a ballerina

Ray darcys meaning behind irish sayings

Ray D'Arcy is an Irish radio and television presenter known for his engaging interviews and discussions on various topics. While he has not specifically discussed the meanings behind Irish sayings in depth, he often showcases his knowledge and appreciation for Irish culture and language on his shows

Snow cone sayings

1. Chill out with a snow cone!2. Scoop up some fun with a snow cone!3. Stay cool with a snow cone treat!4. Satisfy your sweet tooth with a snow cone!5. Snow cones are snow much fun!6. Beat the heat with a refreshing snow cone!7. Life is better with a snow cone in hand!8. Taste the rai