Italian sayings and their meanings
1. "Chi dorme non piglia pesci" - "He who sleeps does not catch fish." Meaning: You need to be active and alert in order to achieve success.
2. "Meglio tardi che mai" - "Better late than never." Meaning: It's better to do something late than to not do it at all.
3. "Chi va piano va sano e va lontano" - "He who goes slowly goes safely and goes far." Meaning: Taking things slowly and carefully will lead to better results in the long run.
4. "Ogni morte di papa" - "Once in a blue moon." Meaning: Something that happens very rarely.
5. "Dove c'è fumo, c'è fuoco" - "Where there's smoke, there's fire." Meaning: If there are rumors or suspicions about something, there is likely some truth to them.
6. "L'appetito vien mangiando" - "Appetite comes with eating." Meaning: The more you do something, the more you will want to do it.
7. "Non tutte le ciambelle riescono col buco" - "Not all donuts come out with a hole." Meaning: Not everything will turn out perfectly, sometimes things don't go as planned.
8. "Chi fa da sé, fa per tre" - "He who does things himself, does the work of three." Meaning: Taking initiative and being self-sufficient can lead to greater success.
9. "A caval donato non si guarda in bocca" - "Don't look a gift horse in the mouth." Meaning: Be grateful for what you receive, regardless of its value.
10. "L'abito non fa il monaco" - "The clothes do not make the monk." Meaning: It's what's on the inside that counts, not outward appearances.
Above is Italian sayings and their meanings.