Japanesse cousin sayings

Here are some Japanese cousin sayings:

1. 血は水よりも濃い (Chi wa mizu yori mo koi) - Blood is thicker than water.

2. 親戚の家は火事の始まり (Shinseki no ie wa kaji no hajimari) - Relatives' houses are where fires start.

3. 親戚は遠くに住むもの (Shinseki wa tooku ni sumu mono) - Relatives should live far away.

4. 親戚には頼るな (Shinseki ni wa tayoru na) - Don't rely on relatives.

5. 親戚は蛇の巣 (Shinseki wa hebi no su) - Relatives are like a snake's nest.

Above is Japanesse cousin sayings.

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