Lancaster sayings

Here are some Lancaster sayings or phrases that are commonly used in Lancaster County, Pennsylvania:

1. "Outen the lights" - Turn off the lights

2. "Red up the room" - Clean up the room

3. "Dippy eggs" - Soft-boiled eggs

4. "Rutsching around" - Fidgeting or moving around restlessly

5. "Goober peas" - Peanuts

6. "Hoagie" - Sub sandwich

7. "Scrapple" - A breakfast meat made from pork scraps and cornmeal

8. "Shoo-fly pie" - A molasses-based pie

9. "Buggy" - Amish horse and carriage

10. "Yous guys" - Plural form of "you"

These sayings reflect the unique dialect and culture of Lancaster County, known for its Amish and Pennsylvania Dutch heritage.

Above is Lancaster sayings.

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