Lingala wise sayings

1. "Mokili ekoma mpele, mpele ekoma mokili." (The world is round, and round becomes the world.)

2. "Mokili efinga, efinga ekoma mokili." (The world is a circle, a circle becomes the world.)

3. "Mokili eza mwinda, mpele ekoma mokili." (The world is a mirror, and round becomes the world.)

4. "Bana ba mwasi bazali kaka mpo na mpo." (Children of a woman are always close to each other.)

5. "Mokili ekoma mabele, mabele ekoma mokili." (The world is a basket, and the basket becomes the world.)

6. "Lisolo ezali na nkento, kasi mpele ezali na mokili." (The story has an end, but the circle has the world.)

7. "Mokili ekoma nkento, nkento ekoma mokili." (The world is a story, and the story becomes the world.)

8. "Mokili ekoma ndenge, ndenge ekoma mokili." (The world is a path, and the path becomes the world.)

9. "Mokili ekoma nkento, mpele ekoma mokili." (The world is a story, and round becomes the world.)

10. "Mokili ekoma mabele, mpele ekoma mokili." (The world is a basket, and round becomes the world.)

Above is Lingala wise sayings.

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