Looking ahead sayings

1. "The best way to predict the future is to create it." - Peter Drucker

2. "The future belongs to those who believe in the beauty of their dreams." - Eleanor Roosevelt

3. "The future depends on what you do today." - Mahatma Gandhi

4. "The future is not something we enter. The future is something we create." - Leonard I. Sweet

5. "The future is bright for those who are willing to pursue it with courage and determination." - Unknown

6. "The future is yours to create, so make it a masterpiece." - Unknown

7. "The future is full of possibilities for those who are willing to embrace change." - Unknown

8. "The best way to prepare for the future is to focus on the present." - Unknown

9. "The future belongs to those who prepare for it today." - Malcolm X

10. "The future is not set in stone, it is shaped by our actions and decisions." - Unknown

Above is Looking ahead sayings.

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