Missile sayings

1. "A missile knows no conscience."

2. "Launching accusations like missiles."

3. "A missile aimed at the heart."

4. "Missiles of destruction."

5. "Missile diplomacy."

6. "The missile of truth."

7. "Missiles of war, arrows of peace."

8. "Missiles locked and loaded."

9. "The missile of justice."

10. "Missiles in the sky, fear on the ground."

Above is Missile sayings.

Baby's first step sayings

1. One small step for baby, one giant leap for family.2. The journey of a thousand steps begins with baby's first.3. A little step for baby, a big moment for parents.4. Tiny feet, big milestone.5. From crawling to walking, baby's first step is a giant leap.6. The first step is the beginni

French soulmate sayings

1. Mon âme sœur - My soulmate2. Tu es mon autre moitié - You are my other half3. Nous sommes faits l'un pour l'autre - We are made for each other4. Tu es la personne avec qui je veux vieillir - You are the person I want to grow old with5. Mon cœur t'appartient pour toujours - My heart belo

Sayings and catch phrases

1. You miss 100% of the shots you don't take.2. When life gives you lemons, make lemonade.3. Actions speak louder than words.4. The early bird catches the worm.5. Don't count your chickens before they hatch.6. A penny saved is a penny earned.7. The grass is always greener on the other s

Other sayings like roses are red while violets are blue

1. The sun is bright, the sky is blue, my love for you will always be true.2. The stars above, the moon so bright, you are my guiding light.3. The ocean waves, the sandy shore, my love for you forevermore.4. The mountains high, the valleys low, with you by my side, I'll always glow.5. The b

Scouse sayings quiz

Sure, I can help with that! Here are some Scouse sayings for you to guess the meaning of:1. Sound, la.2. Gizza brekkie.3. Going the offy.4. Boss tha.5. Our kid.6. Sound as a pound.7. I'm made up.8. Calm down, calm down.9. Proper boss, that.10. I'm made up with that.Feel free to g

Masonic sayings in latin

1. Ordo ab chao - Order out of chaos2. Virtus junxit mors non separabit - What virtue has joined together, death shall not separate3. Audi, vide, tace, si tu vis vivere in pace - Hear, see, be silent, if you wish to live in peace4. Fiat lux - Let there be light5. Virtus est vitium fugere -

Dutch sayings funny

Here are a few funny Dutch sayings:1. Als het kalf verdronken is, dempt men de put. (After the calf has drowned, they fill in the well.) - Meaning: People often take action only after a problem has occurred.2. Met de deur in huis vallen. (To fall with the door into the house.) - Meaning: To get

5 year old shirt sayings

1. I'm 5 and fabulous!2. 5 and full of fun!3. I'm 5, watch me roar!4. 5 years old and loving life!5. Too cool for preschool at 5!

Cheer sister sayings

1. Sisters are different flowers from the same garden.2. Sisters make the best friends.3. Sisters are like stars, you may not always see them but you know they're always there.4. Sisters are a gift from the universe.5. Sisters are the perfect blend of childhood memories and grown-up dreams.

Worry doll sayings humor

1. I asked my worry doll for advice, but all it said was 'I'm too small to carry your problems, let's just laugh instead.'2. My worry doll told me to stop stressing and start dressing... in funny costumes to cheer myself up!3. Worry dolls have the best sense of humor - they always remind me tha