Missing letters sayings quiz

Sure, I can provide you with some missing letters sayings for a quiz. Here are a few examples:

1. "A st_tch in t_me s_ves n_ne."

2. "All's f__r in l_ve and w_r."

3. "B__r with me."

4. "D__d men tell n_ tales."

5. "E__ly b_rd catches the w_rm."

6. "H_st makes w_st_."

7. "L_ve c_nquer_ all."

8. "N__thing v_ntured, n_th_ng g__ned."

9. "P__n is t_mp_rary, pr_de is f_rever."

10. "T__o heads are b_tt_r than _ne."

Feel free to use these sayings for your quiz! Let me know if you need more examples.

Above is Missing letters sayings quiz.

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