Monkey proverbs sayings

1. "Even a monkey can fall from a tree." - This proverb means that even someone who is skilled or experienced can make mistakes.

2. "A monkey in silk is a monkey no less." - This saying emphasizes that material possessions do not change who a person truly is.

3. "The monkey knows which tree to climb." - This proverb highlights the importance of knowing one's strengths and abilities in order to succeed.

4. "A monkey never thinks her baby is ugly." - This saying suggests that a mother's love is unconditional, regardless of how others may perceive her child.

5. "A monkey does not see its own face." - This proverb implies that people may not always be aware of their own faults or shortcomings.

6. "The monkey does not see the banana's skin." - This saying emphasizes the importance of focusing on the positive aspects of a situation rather than the negative.

7. "A monkey is a monkey, even if it wears golden rings." - This proverb reminds us that true character cannot be hidden by outward appearances.

8. "The monkey that tries to catch two bananas will go hungry." - This proverb warns against being greedy or trying to do too much at once.

9. "The monkey who tries to catch two trees will fall." - This saying cautions against being indecisive or trying to pursue conflicting goals.

10. "The monkey who dances on the roof will fall into the pot." - This proverb warns against taking unnecessary risks or engaging in foolish behavior.

Above is Monkey proverbs sayings.

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