Musonius lectures and sayings

Musonius Rufus was a Roman Stoic philosopher who lived in the 1st century AD. He was known for his teachings on ethics, virtue, and the importance of living in accordance with nature. Some of his lectures and sayings include:

1. "It is not the man who abstains from pleasure that is most temperate, but the man who is not even tempted by pleasure."

2. "The good man should not be known for his wealth or his power, but for his virtue and his wisdom."

3. "It is not poverty that is a vice, but the desire for wealth."

4. "The wise man is he who does not fear death, for he knows that it is a natural part of life."

5. "True happiness comes from living in accordance with nature and fulfilling one's duties as a human being."

6. "The only true wealth is the wealth of the soul, which comes from living a virtuous life."

7. "It is better to be poor and free than rich and enslaved to one's desires."

8. "The key to a good life is self-control and moderation in all things."

9. "The wise man does not seek pleasure for its own sake, but finds joy in living a virtuous life."

10. "True freedom comes from mastering oneself and living in harmony with nature."

These are just a few examples of the teachings and sayings of Musonius Rufus, which continue to inspire and guide individuals seeking a life of virtue and wisdom.

Above is Musonius lectures and sayings.

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