Newfoundland sayings and meanings

Newfoundland is known for its unique sayings and expressions, often referred to as "Newfinese." Here are some common Newfoundland sayings and their meanings:

1. "Stay where you're to till I comes where you're at" - This means to wait where you are until the speaker arrives at your location.

2. "Long may your big jib draw" - This is a traditional blessing wishing someone good fortune and prosperity.

3. "Give 'er the gun, b'y" - This means to put in maximum effort or to go full speed ahead.

4. "What's dat b'y?" - This is a common greeting that means "What's up?" or "What's going on?"

5. "Stay where you're at, 'til I comes where you're to" - This is a humorous twist on the traditional saying, meaning the same thing as "Stay where you are until I arrive."

6. "The wind's fair to middlin' byes" - This means the weather is neither good nor bad, just average.

7. "You're some good" - This is a compliment meaning you are very good at something.

8. "Squish your jib" - This means to be quiet or to stop talking.

9. "I'm just after coming from" - This is a way of saying "I just came from."

10. "Giv'er socks" - This means to put in a lot of effort or to do something with enthusiasm.

These are just a few examples of the unique sayings you might hear in Newfoundland. The language and culture of the province are rich and vibrant, and these sayings are just one aspect of that uniqueness.

Above is Newfoundland sayings and meanings.

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