Nice romanian sayings

1. "Cine se scoală de dimineață, departe ajunge." (He who wakes up early, goes far.)

2. "Nu lăsa pe mâine ce poți face azi." (Don't leave for tomorrow what you can do today.)

3. "Cine seamănă vânt, culege furtună." (He who sows the wind, reaps the storm.)

4. "Cine nu muncește, sărăcește." (He who doesn't work, becomes poor.)

5. "Cine nu are, să caute; cine are, să păstreze." (He who doesn't have, should seek; he who has, should keep.)

6. "Cine se aseamănă, se adună." (Birds of a feather flock together.)

7. "Vorba dulce mult aduce." (Kind words bring much.)

8. "Mai bine să dai decât să primești." (It's better to give than to receive.)

9. "Nu ești bogat până nu ai ceva ce bani nu pot cumpăra." (You're not rich until you have something that money can't buy.)

10. "Înțelepciunea vine cu vârsta." (Wisdom comes with age.)

Above is Nice romanian sayings.

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