Ninety yer ar old birthday lady sayings

1. "Age is just a number, but wisdom is timeless."

2. "I may be 90, but I still feel young at heart."

3. "Life is a journey, and I've enjoyed every moment of it."

4. "With age comes experience, and I've had a lifetime of it."

5. "I may be 90, but I'm still full of life and laughter."

6. "Every wrinkle tells a story, and I have many to share."

7. "I've lived through so much, and I'm grateful for every moment."

8. "Growing old is a privilege denied to many, and I cherish every day."

9. "Age has only made me stronger and more resilient."

10. "I may be 90, but I'm not done making memories yet."

Above is Ninety yer ar old birthday lady sayings.

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