Norfolk dialect sayings
Here are some Norfolk dialect sayings:
1. "Keep yew a troshin'" - Keep yourself busy
2. "Bewty, bor!" - Goodness me!
3. "Dew yew keep a troshin'" - Do you keep yourself busy?
4. "Gawd bless yew, bor!" - God bless you
5. "Goo on, my ole cock!" - Go on, my old friend!
6. "Hark at yew!" - Listen to you!
7. "Nah then, bor!" - Now then, friend!
8. "On the huh" - On the slant or crooked
9. "Proper job" - Well done
10. "Tidy dahl" - Very good
These sayings are unique to the Norfolk dialect and may not be commonly used in other regions.
Above is Norfolk dialect sayings.
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