Old money sayings

1. "A penny saved is a penny earned."

2. "Money doesn't grow on trees."

3. "A fool and his money are soon parted."

4. "Money talks."

5. "You can't take it with you when you go."

6. "Money can't buy happiness."

7. "Easy come, easy go."

8. "Time is money."

9. "Money is the root of all evil."

10. "A bird in the hand is worth two in the bush."

Above is Old money sayings.

Funny sheriff sayings

1. I'm the sheriff around these parts, and I ain't horsin' around!2. You mess with the bull, you get the sheriff's horns!3. I'm the law in these parts, and I've got a six-shooter and a sense of humor!4. I'm the sheriff, and I've got more badges than you've got brain cells!5. I'm the sheriff

Cute southern sayings quotes

1. Well, butter my biscuit!2. Bless your heart.3. I'm happier than a tornado in a trailer park.4. That dog won't hunt.5. She's sweeter than a glass of sweet tea on a hot summer day.6. You can catch more flies with honey than vinegar.7. He's slicker than snot on a doorknob.8. I'm as ha

Cute cat sayings quotes

1. Time spent with cats is never wasted. - Sigmund Freud2. A cat has absolute emotional honesty: human beings, for one reason or another, may hide their feelings, but a cat does not. - Ernest Hemingway3. Cats are connoisseurs of comfort. - James Herriot4. In ancient times cats were worshipped

Harry potter valentines sayings

1. You're the Hermione to my Ron.2. I must be a wizard, because you've cast a spell on me.3. You're the golden snitch to my seeker.4. I solemnly swear I am up to no good... unless it's loving you.5. You're the Ginny to my Harry.6. You're as magical as a love potion.7. I'd be lost withou

Comforting sayings for beloved dogs

1. A dog is the only thing on earth that loves you more than he loves himself.2. Dogs leave paw prints on our hearts.3. Every dog has his day, and today is yours.4. Dogs are not our whole life, but they make our lives whole.5. In a dog's eyes, you are their whole world.6. The world would

Piano.spaces and lines sayings

1. In between the spaces and lines of a piano, lies the magic of music.2. The spaces and lines on a piano sheet music are like a roadmap to a beautiful melody.3. The spaces and lines on a piano are like the silent whispers of a musical story waiting to be told.4. Within the spaces and lines o

Wait sayings or

Sure, here are a few popular sayings:1. Actions speak louder than words.2. Don't count your chickens before they hatch.3. The early bird catches the worm.4. A penny saved is a penny earned.5. Don't put all your eggs in one basket.6. When life gives you lemons, make lemonade.7. The grass

Christmas sayings about children

1. Christmas is a magical time for children, filled with wonder and joy.2. The joy of Christmas is seeing the excitement in children's eyes.3. Children are the true spirit of Christmas, their innocence and belief in magic make the season even more special.4. Christmas is a time for children t

Funny touch the orb sayings

1. Touch the orb and unlock the secrets of the universe...or maybe just get a mild electric shock.2. Touch the orb and feel the power of a thousand awkward handshakes.3. Touch the orb and become one with the cosmic energy...or just get a smudge on your finger.4. Touch the orb and receive the

Beautiful sayings about luck

1. Luck is when preparation meets opportunity. - Seneca2. The harder I work, the luckier I get. - Gary Player3. Luck is believing you're lucky. - Tennessee Williams4. Luck is a dividend of sweat. The more you sweat, the luckier you get. - Ray Kroc5. Luck is what happens when preparation mee