Old slang sayings 2000

1. "Talk to the hand" - used to dismiss someone or indicate that you don't want to hear what they have to say.

2. "All that and a bag of chips" - used to describe someone or something as being impressive or exceptional.

3. "Booyah" - an exclamation of excitement or triumph.

4. "As if!" - used to express disbelief or skepticism.

5. "Bling bling" - used to refer to flashy or ostentatious jewelry.

6. "Da bomb" - used to describe something as excellent or impressive.

7. "Fo' shizzle" - a slang term meaning "for sure" or "definitely."

8. "Wassup" - a casual greeting, short for "What's up?"

9. "Oh snap!" - an expression of surprise or excitement.

10. "Chillax" - a combination of "chill" and "relax," used to encourage someone to calm down.

Above is Old slang sayings 2000.

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