Ozarkian sayings about life

1. "Life's like a hound dog, sometimes it'll bite ya, but you gotta keep on walkin'."

2. "In the hills, we learn to make do with what we got, 'cause life ain't always gonna give ya what ya want."

3. "You can't plow a field by turning it over in your mind, sometimes you just gotta get your hands dirty and do the work."

4. "When the creek rises, you gotta learn to swim or you'll get swept away. Life's all about adaptin' to the changes."

5. "Ain't no use cryin' over spilled milk, gotta pick yourself up and keep on movin' forward."

6. "Life's a lot like a jar of moonshine, it'll burn ya if you ain't careful, but it'll also warm ya up on a cold night."

7. "The sun'll shine on a dog's tail every once in a while, so don't give up hope when times get tough."

8. "You can't build a fire without a little kindlin', same goes for makin' a life worth livin'."

9. "Sometimes you gotta let the storm pass before you can see the rainbow, patience is key in this life."

10. "In the end, it ain't about how high you climb, but how you enjoy the view along the way."

Above is Ozarkian sayings about life.

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