Pennsylvania sayings

1. "Yinz" - A colloquial term used in Western Pennsylvania to mean "you all" or "you guys."

2. "Red up" - To clean up or tidy up a space.

3. "Jawn" - A slang term used in Philadelphia to refer to any person, place, or thing.

4. "Hoagie" - A type of sandwich that is popular in Pennsylvania, especially in the Philadelphia area.

5. "Dippy eggs" - Soft-boiled eggs that are often served with toast for dipping.

6. "Pittsburghese" - A dialect spoken in the Pittsburgh area that includes unique phrases and pronunciations.

7. "Jeet?" - A shortened form of "Did you eat?" commonly used in Pennsylvania to ask if someone has had a meal.

8. "Gumband" - A rubber band, often used in Western Pennsylvania.

9. "Sheetz run" - A trip to the convenience store chain Sheetz, which is popular in Pennsylvania for its made-to-order food and drinks.

10. "Porch sittin'" - Relaxing and socializing on the front porch, a common pastime in many Pennsylvania neighborhoods.

Above is Pennsylvania sayings.

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