Phaedra parks sayings

Phaedra Parks, a former cast member of "The Real Housewives of Atlanta," is known for her witty and memorable sayings. Here are a few of her famous quotes:

1. "Everybody knows that I am the ultimate Southern belle. I am the epitome of a Southern lady."

2. "When you're fabulous, you attract fabulousness."

3. "I am the ultimate shade assassin."

4. "I'm a Southern belle. I'm always sweet, but I'm not always innocent."

5. "I'm a lawyer. I can read you without even reading you."

6. "I'm a mother. I'm a lawyer. I'm a mortician. I'm a philanthropist. I'm a businesswoman. I'm a Southern belle."

7. "I may be a Southern belle, but I'm also a Southern belle with a little bit of twist."

8. "I don't always have to be right, but I'm never wrong."

9. "I'm a woman of many talents. I can read a book, read a man, and read a check."

10. "I'm not just a pretty face, I'm a pretty powerful woman."

Above is Phaedra parks sayings.

Sayings about repetition

1. Repetition is the mother of learning.2. Practice makes perfect.3. Repeating something often leads to mastery.4. Repetition is the key to success.5. Repeating a task builds skill and confidence.6. Repetition breeds familiarity.7. The more you do something, the better you become at it.

Christmas sayings about gifts

1. It's not the gift, but the thought that counts.2. The best gifts are those that come from the heart.3. The joy of giving is the greatest gift of all.4. Gifts of time and love are surely the basic ingredients of a truly merry Christmas.5. Christmas is not as much about opening our present

Art management sayings

1. Art is not a thing; it is a way. - Elbert Hubbard2. The purpose of art is washing the dust of daily life off our souls. - Pablo Picasso3. Art enables us to find ourselves and lose ourselves at the same time. - Thomas Merton4. Every artist was first an amateur. - Ralph Waldo Emerson5. Art

Fed up sayings quotes

1. I'm at the point where I don't even care anymore.2. I'm so over it, I can't even deal.3. I'm done trying to please everyone.4. I've reached my limit and I'm not looking back.5. I'm tired of the drama and negativity.6. I'm done with the games and the nonsense.7. I've had enough, I'm w

Basketball terms sayings

1. Swish! - Refers to a shot that goes through the net without touching the rim or backboard.2. And one! - Used when a player makes a basket while being fouled and has the opportunity to make a free throw for a three-point play.3. From downtown! - Refers to a long-range shot made from beyond t

German farewell sayings

1. Auf Wiedersehen (Goodbye)2. Tschüss (Bye)3. Bis bald (See you soon)4. Mach's gut (Take care)5. Bis später (See you later)6. Auf Wiederhören (Goodbye, in the context of a phone call)7. Tschau (Bye, informal)8. Bis zum nächsten Mal (Until next time)9. Leb wohl (Farewell)10. Servus (Goodbye, in Bava

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Moving away greeting card sayings

1. Wishing you all the best on your new adventure! You will be missed.2. As you embark on this new chapter, know that you will always have a special place in our hearts.3. Goodbyes are not forever, they are just until we meet again. Best of luck in your new home.4. Leaving is never easy, but

Camping when its raining sayings

1. There's no such thing as bad weather, only inappropriate clothing. 2. A little rain never hurt anyone. 3. Life isn't about waiting for the storm to pass, it's about learning to dance in the rain. 4. Rain is just confetti from the sky. 5. The best memories are made in the rain. 6. Raind

Aussie sayings for being busy

1. Flat out like a lizard drinking2. Flat chat3. Rushing around like a blue-arsed fly4. Running around like a headless chook5. Flat stick6. Busier than a one-armed bricklayer in Baghdad7. Flat knackered8. Going like a cut snake9. Flat strap10. Busy as a bee in a bottle shop