Pictou county sayings

Here are some sayings that are commonly heard in Pictou County, Nova Scotia:

1. "Aye, b'y, how's she cuttin'?" - A common greeting meaning "Hello, how are you doing?"

2. "Giv'er!" - Encouragement to give something your all or to go for it.

3. "B'y, it's a dandy day for a rip!" - Referring to a nice day for a drive or outing.

4. "I'm just going down the road a piece." - Referring to going a short distance away.

5. "He's a good ol' salt of the earth fella." - Referring to someone who is down-to-earth and reliable.

6. "I'm just going to the store for a few odds and ends." - Referring to picking up a few miscellaneous items.

7. "She's a right gem, that one." - Referring to someone who is kind and special.

8. "I'm just going to have a little chinwag with the neighbors." - Referring to having a chat with the neighbors.

These sayings reflect the friendly and down-to-earth nature of the people in Pictou County.

Above is Pictou county sayings.

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