Pirate latin sayings

1. "Navigare necesse est, vivere non est necesse." (To sail is necessary, to live is not necessary.)

2. "Fortuna audaces iuvat." (Fortune favors the bold.)

3. "In vino veritas, in aqua sanitas." (In wine there is truth, in water there is health.)

4. "Carpe diem, quam minimum credula postero." (Seize the day, trusting as little as possible in the future.)

5. "Audentes fortuna iuvat." (Fortune favors the brave.)

6. "Veni, vidi, vici." (I came, I saw, I conquered.)

7. "Memento mori." (Remember that you will die.)

8. "Non omnia possumus omnes." (We cannot all do everything.)

9. "Dulce et decorum est pro patria mori." (It is sweet and fitting to die for one's country.)

10. "Nautae caelum scrutantur, non fortunam." (Sailors look to the sky, not to fortune.)

Above is Pirate latin sayings.

German cheers sayings

1. Prost! (Cheers!)2. Zum Wohl! (To your health!)3. Auf dein Wohl! (To your health!)4. Zum Glück! (To happiness!)5. Prost, prost, prost! (Cheers, cheers, cheers!)6. Ein Prosit der Gemütlichkeit! (A toast to coziness!)7. Zum Wohlsein! (To your well-being!)8. Auf die Freundschaft! (To friendship!)9. Z

Don't mistake my silence sayings

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350 mile marker sayings

1. Keep on truckin'!2. Halfway there!3. Miles to go before I sleep.4. The journey is the destination.5. Adventure awaits.6. On the road again.7. The open road calls.8. Chasing sunsets.9. Road trip vibes.10. Finding beauty in the journey.

Giving thanks quotes and sayings

1. Gratitude turns what we have into enough. - Anonymous2. Feeling gratitude and not expressing it is like wrapping a present and not giving it. - William Arthur Ward3. Gratitude is the fairest blossom which springs from the soul. - Henry Ward Beecher4. In ordinary life, we hardly realize tha

Photos quotes and sayings

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Baby tees with sayings

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Latvian sayings and meanings

1. Kur ir griba, tur ir ceļš. - Where there is a will, there is a way.2. Kas sēje vēju, tas pļaus vētras. - He who sows the wind, will reap the storm.3. Kas meklē, tas atradīs. - Seek and you shall find.4. Nākamais ir pats svarīgākais. - What comes next is the most important.5. Kas neko ned

Hokie sayings

1. Start jumpin'!2. Let's go, Hokies!3. Tech Yeah!4. Hokie Nation!5. Ut Prosim6. We are Virginia Tech!7. Hokie Pride!8. Bleed Orange and Maroon!9. Let's Go, Hokies!10. Hokie Spirit!

Best white people sayings

1. Have a nice day!2. Bless your heart.3. It's all good.4. Let's grab a coffee sometime.5. I'm just happy to be here.6. Can I help you with anything?7. You're a gem.8. I appreciate you.9. Let's keep in touch.10. Take care of yourself.

Funny massachusetts sayings

1. Wicked pissah - used to describe something as really great or awesome2. Pahk the cah in Hahvahd Yahd - a humorous way of imitating the Boston accent3. You can't get theyah from heah - a playful way of saying that something is difficult to find or reach4. It's colder than a witch's tit in a