Plastic pollution sayings

1. "Plastic pollution is not just an environmental issue, it's a human rights issue."

2. "Plastic pollution: a problem we can't afford to ignore."

3. "Plastic is forever, and so is the damage it causes to our planet."

4. "Our oceans are drowning in plastic, and it's time to take action."

5. "Plastic pollution is a global crisis that demands immediate attention."

6. "The Earth is not disposable, so why do we treat it that way with plastic?"

7. "Plastic pollution is a man-made disaster that requires a man-made solution."

8. "Reduce, reuse, recycle - the key to combating plastic pollution."

9. "Plastic waste is a reflection of our throwaway culture, and it's time to change our ways."

10. "The only solution to plastic pollution is to stop using plastic altogether."

Above is Plastic pollution sayings.

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