Popular gaelic sayings
1. "Is math an tìr gun dùil ri dùil." - "A good land is a land without doubt."
2. "Chan eil tuil air nach tig traoghadh." - "There is no flood that does not recede."
3. "Thig crioch air an t-saoghal, ach mairidh gaol is ceòl." - "The world will come to an end, but love and music will endure."
4. "Tha gaol agam ort." - "I love you."
5. "Ged is gann gu robh mi og, tha mi fosgailte do gach ni." - "Though I am young, I am open to everything."
6. "An teanga agam, an cogadh agam." - "My language, my war."
7. "Tha mi sgìth, ach tha mi 'g èisteachd ri òran." - "I am tired, but I am listening to a song."
8. "Tha an saoghal làn de dh'fhìrinn, ach tha e a' dol am falbh." - "The world is full of truths, but it is fading away."
9. "Is fheàrr teine beag a gharas na teine mòr a loisgeas." - "A small fire that warms is better than a big fire that burns."
10. "Thig an nathair as an toll, la donn briste." - "The serpent will come out of the hole on the day of the broken sky."
Above is Popular gaelic sayings.
1. May your spring be filled with blooming flowers and sunny days!2. Wishing you a season of renewal, growth, and happiness.3. Sending you warm wishes for a beautiful spring season.4. May the beauty of spring fill your heart with joy and hope.5. Here's to a spring filled with laughter, love
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