Quotes and sayings about love and relationships
1. "The best love is the kind that awakens the soul and makes us reach for more, that plants a fire in our hearts and brings peace to our minds." - Nicholas Sparks
2. "Love is composed of a single soul inhabiting two bodies." - Aristotle
3. "The greatest happiness you can have is knowing that you do not necessarily require happiness." - William Saroyan
4. "To love is nothing. To be loved is something. But to love and be loved, that’s everything." - T. Tolis
5. "Love is not about how many days, months, or years you have been together. Love is about how much you love each other every single day." - Unknown
6. "A successful marriage requires falling in love many times, always with the same person." - Mignon McLaughlin
7. "Love is like the wind, you can't see it but you can feel it." - Nicholas Sparks
8. "The best thing to hold onto in life is each other." - Audrey Hepburn
9. "Love is when the other person's happiness is more important than your own." - H. Jackson Brown Jr.
10. "In the end, the love you take is equal to the love you make." - The Beatles
Above is Quotes and sayings about love and relationships.
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1. Love is composed of a single soul inhabiting two bodies. - Aristotle2. The best thing to hold onto in life is each other. - Audrey Hepburn3. Love is not about how much you say 'I love you,' but how much you prove that it's true. - Unknown4. In the end, the love you take is equal to the lov
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