Rhodesian sayings

1. "Tambai kumusha, kwedu kune nzira." (Keep going home, there is a way in our village.)

2. "Kurauka kwemakumbo hakusikwa." (The breaking of bones is not heard.)

3. "Mukadzi haasi kudya mukaka nekumhanya." (A woman does not eat porridge quickly.)

4. "Moyo muti unomera pamutemo." (The heart of a tree remains in its roots.)

5. "Mwana akasvika, akasvika." (When a child arrives, they arrive.)

6. "Kurima haikombi." (Farming is not a competition.)

7. "Munhu haanake kufa." (No one is immune to death.)

8. "Pfuma yemunhu haifaniri kufukwa." (A person's wealth should not be buried with them.)

9. "Kurira mukati hakusi kufa." (To sleep in the middle is not to die.)

10. "Kurima kwehondo hakusi kufa." (Farming during a war is not dying.)

Above is Rhodesian sayings.

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