Romantic sayings for her in spanish

1. Eres la luz de mi vida - You are the light of my life

2. Eres mi todo - You are my everything

3. Eres mi amor eterno - You are my eternal love

4. Eres la dueña de mi corazón - You are the owner of my heart

5. Eres mi razón de ser - You are my reason for being

6. Eres mi alma gemela - You are my soulmate

7. Eres la flor de mi jardín - You are the flower of my garden

8. Eres mi inspiración - You are my inspiration

9. Eres mi sueño hecho realidad - You are my dream come true

10. Te amo más que a nada en este mundo - I love you more than anything in this world

Above is Romantic sayings for her in spanish.

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