Romantic sayings from toy story bo to woody

1. "You've got a friend in me, Woody."

2. "To infinity and beyond, my love."

3. "You're the sheriff of my heart, Woody."

4. "You're my favorite deputy, always and forever."

5. "I wouldn't trade you for all the toys in the world, Woody."

6. "You've always had a friend in me, and you always will."

7. "You're the Woody to my Buzz, the Jessie to my Bullseye."

8. "You've got a way of making my heart soar, just like Buzz Lightyear."

9. "You're the rootinest, tootinest cowboy in my heart, Woody."

10. "No matter where life takes us, you'll always be my favorite cowboy."

Above is Romantic sayings from toy story bo to woody.

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