Sayings about jumping to conclusions

1. "Don't jump to conclusions, for there may be a perfectly reasonable explanation."

2. "Jumping to conclusions is like jumping off a cliff without knowing what's below."

3. "Assumptions are the termites of relationships. Jumping to conclusions can do more harm than good."

4. "Before you jump to conclusions, make sure you have all the facts."

5. "Jumping to conclusions is like trying to solve a puzzle without all the pieces."

6. "The trouble with jumping to conclusions is that you might not like where you land."

7. "Don't let your mind be a trampoline for jumping to conclusions."

8. "Jumping to conclusions is easy, but it's rarely accurate."

9. "Before you leap to judgment, take a moment to consider all possibilities."

10. "Jumping to conclusions is a quick way to reach the wrong destination."

Above is Sayings about jumping to conclusions.

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