Sayings about narcissistic people

1. "A narcissist is someone who is in love with an idealized image of themselves, rather than their true self."

2. "Narcissists are like a mirror that only reflects back their own image."

3. "Beware the charm of a narcissist, for it is often a facade hiding their true intentions."

4. "Narcissists see themselves as the center of the universe, with little regard for others."

5. "The ego of a narcissist is like a fragile glass house, easily shattered by any threat to their self-image."

6. "Narcissists are masters of manipulation, using others to feed their insatiable need for admiration."

7. "Behind the mask of confidence and superiority, lies a deep insecurity in the heart of a narcissist."

8. "Narcissists are like emotional vampires, draining the energy and happiness from those around them."

9. "The world of a narcissist is a lonely one, for they are incapable of truly connecting with others on a genuine level."

10. "In the eyes of a narcissist, everyone else is merely a supporting character in the grand story of their life."

Above is Sayings about narcissistic people.

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