Sayings for a brother who passed away

1. "Gone but never forgotten, you will always hold a special place in our hearts."

2. "Your memory will live on in the stories we share and the love we hold for you."

3. "In our hearts, you will always be with us, watching over and guiding us."

4. "Though you may be gone, your spirit and presence will forever be felt."

5. "You may have left this world, but your light continues to shine in our lives."

6. "We may be apart, but you will always be a part of us, dear brother."

7. "Your absence is deeply felt, but your love and influence will never fade."

8. "We will cherish the memories we shared and hold them close to our hearts."

9. "You may have left us physically, but your love and legacy will never die."

10. "Rest in peace, dear brother, knowing that you are loved and missed beyond measure."

Above is Sayings for a brother who passed away.

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