Sayings for getting in too soon

1. "Look before you leap."

2. "Haste makes waste."

3. "Don't count your chickens before they hatch."

4. "Act in haste, repent at leisure."

5. "Rushing in can lead to regrets."

6. "Patience is a virtue."

7. "Better safe than sorry."

8. "Take your time, don't rush."

9. "Measure twice, cut once."

10. "Slow and steady wins the race."

Above is Sayings for getting in too soon.

Chief sayings

1. Lead by example.2. Actions speak louder than words.3. Don't ask others to do something you wouldn't do yourself.4. Stay humble, stay hungry.5. Success is a journey, not a destination.6. The only way to do great work is to love what you do.7. Take risks, but calculated ones.8. Learn

Environmentally friendly sayings

1. Reduce, reuse, recycle.2. Leave nothing but footprints, take nothing but memories.3. Every little bit helps.4. Think globally, act locally.5. The Earth does not belong to us, we belong to the Earth.6. Live simply so that others may simply live.7. Be the change you wish to see in the

Popular sayings in other languages

1. French: C'est la vie - This phrase translates to That's life in English and is used to express acceptance of a situation or resignation to fate.2. Spanish: Vamos al grano - This phrase translates to Let's get to the point in English and is used to encourage someone to focus on the main is

Chinese sayings about women

1. 女人如水,柔情似水,能包容万物。(Women are like water, gentle and accommodating, able to embrace all things.)2. 女人心海底针。(A woman's heart is like a needle at the bottom of the sea, hard to find or understand.)3. 女人如花,要细心呵护。(Women are like flowers, they need to be carefully nurtured.)4. 女人能屈能伸,能柔能刚。(Women can be fl

Funny sayings for first time parents

1. Becoming a parent is like trying to assemble IKEA furniture without instructions - you're not quite sure what you're doing, but you hope it turns out okay.2. Parenting is basically just trying to keep a tiny human alive while also trying to keep your sanity intact.3. Becoming a parent is lik

Cake sayings 40th birthday

1. Life begins at 40... and so does the cake!2. 40 and fabulous!3. Aged to perfection at 40!4. Cheers to 40 years!5. Forty and thriving!6. The best is yet to come at 40!7. 40 is the new 30... with more cake!8. Fabulous at 40, just like this cake!9. 40 and still rocking it!10. Like

French sayings about crepes

1. Les crêpes, c'est la vie. (Crepes are life.)2. Qui n'aime pas les crêpes n'aime pas la vie. (He who doesn't like crepes doesn't like life.)3. Les crêpes, c'est la perfection en forme de rond. (Crepes are perfection in a round shape.)4. Avoir la main à crêpe. (To have a knack for making cr

Carry on quotes and sayings

1. Carry on, even when it feels like you can't go any further.2. Keep calm and carry on.3. Carry on with a heart full of hope and a mind determined to succeed.4. In the face of adversity, carry on with courage and strength.5. Carry on, for every storm eventually runs out of rain.6. No mat

Gulags russian sayings

Here are a few Russian sayings related to gulags:1. Там, где закончилась земля, начинается ГУЛАГ (Translation: Where the land ends, the GULAG begins.)2. ГУЛАГ - это не место, это состояние души (Translation: GULAG is not a place, it's a state of the soul.)3. Кто не был в ГУЛАГе, тот не знае

Cereal names puns and sayings

1. Snap, Crackle, Pop into a bowl of fun!2. Don't be a flake, grab a bowl of cereal!3. Life is like a box of cereal, full of surprises!4. Start your day with a crunch and a munch!5. Don't be corny, enjoy some cereal-y goodness!6. Rice up and shine with a bowl of cereal!7. Oat to be good