Sayings funny diaper jokes

1. Why did the diaper go to school? Because it wanted to be changed!

2. What did the diaper say to the baby? "I've got you covered!"

3. Why did the baby put the diaper on its head? Because it wanted to be the "poo-poo" head!

4. How does a diaper say goodbye? "Pee you later!"

5. Why did the diaper refuse to be changed? Because it was on a "roll"!

6. What did the diaper say to the baby who kept crying? "Don't worry, I've got your back!"

7. Why did the diaper bring a ladder to the party? Because it heard the drinks were on the house!

8. How do you make a diaper laugh? Tickle its tabs!

9. Why did the diaper go to the doctor? Because it had a rash decision to make!

10. What did the diaper say to the baby who kept having accidents? "You're really on a roll today!"

Above is Sayings funny diaper jokes.

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