Sayings of ragnar redbeard
Ragnar Redbeard, a pseudonymous author of the book "Might is Right," is known for his controversial and provocative statements. Here are some of his sayings:
1. "The world is a jungle, and always has been. Those who are strong and ruthless will survive, while the weak will perish."
2. "The only morality is that which serves the individual's self-interest. Altruism is a lie perpetuated by the weak to control the strong."
3. "The strong should dominate the weak, for that is the natural order of things. Those who cannot defend themselves deserve their fate."
4. "Strength is the only virtue that matters. Those who are weak, cowardly, or submissive are unworthy of respect."
5. "Power is the ultimate goal, and all means are justified in its pursuit. Those who hesitate or show mercy will be crushed by those who do not."
6. "The individual is the highest authority, and should never bow to the will of the collective. Freedom and independence are the birthrights of the strong."
7. "Civilization is a facade that hides the true nature of humanity. In the end, only power and force will prevail."
8. "Those who seek to impose their morality on others are hypocrites. True strength lies in following one's own desires and instincts, regardless of societal norms."
9. "The strong will always triumph over the weak, for that is the natural order of the world. Those who cannot accept this reality are doomed to be conquered."
10. "Life is a struggle, and only the fittest will survive. Those who cannot compete will be swept aside by those who can."
Above is Sayings of ragnar redbeard.