Sayings on swords

1. "The sword is the soul of the warrior."

2. "A sword is only as strong as the hand that wields it."

3. "In the hands of a skilled warrior, a sword becomes an extension of the self."

4. "The blade of a sword carries the weight of honor and duty."

5. "The true power of a sword lies in the courage of its bearer."

6. "A sword is a symbol of strength, justice, and protection."

7. "The path of the sword is a path of discipline and sacrifice."

8. "A sword can both defend and destroy, depending on the intentions of its wielder."

9. "The sword is a tool of war, but also a symbol of peace through strength."

10. "A sword is a silent guardian, ready to be drawn in defense of what is right."

Above is Sayings on swords.

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