Sayings with the word zip

1. "Zip it up and keep it tight."

2. "In the blink of an eye, everything can change in a zip."

3. "Zip your lips and open your mind."

4. "Life is like a zipper, sometimes you have to zip through the tough parts to get to the good stuff."

5. "Zip through life with a positive attitude."

6. "Don't let fear hold you back, take a leap and zip forward."

7. "Zip your worries away and focus on the present moment."

8. "Zip through challenges with determination and resilience."

9. "In the grand scheme of things, our problems are just a tiny blip on the zip line of life."

10. "Zip along the path of your dreams, and don't let anything slow you down."

Above is Sayings with the word zip.

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