Sayings you've been saying wrong

Here are some common sayings that are often misquoted or said incorrectly:

1. "For all intensive purposes" - Correct version: "For all intents and purposes"

2. "I could care less" - Correct version: "I couldn't care less"

3. "Nip it in the butt" - Correct version: "Nip it in the bud"

4. "Blessing in the skies" - Correct version: "Blessing in disguise"

5. "Beck and call" - Correct version: "Beck and call"

6. "Tongue and cheek" - Correct version: "Tongue in cheek"

7. "One in the same" - Correct version: "One and the same"

8. "Escape goat" - Correct version: "Scapegoat"

9. "On accident" - Correct version: "By accident"

10. "Statue of limitations" - Correct version: "Statute of limitations"

Above is Sayings you've been saying wrong.

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