Nessa gavin stacey sayings

Sure! Here are some popular sayings from the TV show "Gavin & Stacey" featuring the character Nessa:

1. "What's occurring?"

2. "Oh, what's occurring, love?"

3. "I won't lie to you, love."

4. "Tidy."

5. "I'm not being funny, but..."

6. "Oh, crackin'!"

7. "I'm a woman of substance."

8. "It's all a bit of a 'mare, isn't it?"

9. "Oh, come on, love."

10. "I'm not being funny, but that's a bit out of order, isn't it?"

Above is Nessa gavin stacey sayings.

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1. Welcome to my nightmare, where the only thing scarier than the music is my eyeliner.2. School's out forever, but the nightmares are just beginning.3. I'm your poison, your deadly addiction. Welcome to my twisted world.4. Feed my Frankenstein, and I'll show you a whole new level of rock 'n'

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1. Friends are the family we choose for ourselves.2. A friend is one of the nicest things you can have, and one of the best things you can be.3. Good friends are like stars, you don't always see them but you know they're always there.4. Friends are the bacon bits in the salad bowl of life.5.

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Company family sayings are phrases or expressions that are commonly used within a company to convey its values, culture, and beliefs. These sayings are often repeated by employees and leaders to reinforce the company's identity and create a sense of unity and belonging among team members. They can s

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1. You're the chips to my dip, Valentine!2. I'm totally 'dipping' for you, Valentine!3. You make my heart 'melt' like warm dip, Valentine!4. Let's dip into love this Valentine's Day!5. You're the perfect 'blend' for my dip, Valentine!6. I'm 'dipping' into your heart this Valentine's Day!

Christmas sayings with horses

1. May your Christmas be filled with the joy and spirit of a galloping horse.2. Wishing you a Christmas that's as majestic and graceful as a horse in full stride.3. Ho, ho, ho, and a merry Christmas to all, from the horses in the snow-covered stall.4. Let the sound of jingle bells be accompan

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1. Actions speak louder than words.2. The early bird catches the worm.3. Don't count your chickens before they hatch.4. A penny saved is a penny earned.5. Don't put all your eggs in one basket.6. Where there's a will, there's a way.7. You reap what you sow.8. The grass is always green

Sayings text message

Actions speak louder than words.

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1. Wine a little, laugh a lot.2. Sip happens.3. Wine a bit, you'll feel better.4. Wine is bottled poetry.5. Wine a little, it'll make you feel better.6. Wine not?7. Wine a little, it'll make the day better.8. In wine, there is truth.9. Wine a little, you'll sleep better.10. Wine a

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1. Flour power!2. Baking is my superpower, flour is my sidekick.3. Life is short, eat the cake batter (made with flour).4. Flour is the glue that holds my life together... and my cookies.5. When in doubt, add more flour.6. Flour is the secret ingredient that makes everything better.7. I