Scooby doo sayings to shaggy

1. "Like, zoinks, Shaggy!"

2. "Ruh-roh, Raggy!"

3. "Jinkies, Shaggy, we've got a mystery to solve!"

4. "Like, let's split up and search for clues, man!"

5. "Zoinks, Shaggy, I think we're in for a spooky adventure!"

6. "Ruh-roh, Shaggy, looks like we've got a ghost on our hands!"

7. "Like, jeepers, Shaggy, this is one creepy place!"

8. "Zoinks, Shaggy, that sandwich looks delicious!"

9. "Ruh-roh, Shaggy, looks like we've got some meddling kids to catch!"

10. "Like, let's get out of here, Shaggy, before the ghost catches us!"

Above is Scooby doo sayings to shaggy.

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