Scott morrison sayings

Here are some notable sayings by Scott Morrison, the Prime Minister of Australia:

1. "The best form of welfare is a job."

2. "We are not going to engage in the politics of envy."

3. "A fair go for those who have a go."

4. "I'm not running a commentary on the United States."

5. "The only way you can get a better economy is by having a stronger economy."

6. "The best way to ensure a strong economy is to have a strong budget."

7. "We believe in the power of aspiration and we believe in the power of opportunity."

8. "We are a free-market government."

9. "We will stand up for Australia."

10. "We will keep our borders secure."

These are just a few examples of Scott Morrison's notable sayings, reflecting his political beliefs and priorities.

Above is Scott morrison sayings.

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