Second baby announcement sayings

1. "Our family is growing by two feet! Baby #2 is on the way."

2. "Double the love, double the joy! Baby #2 is coming soon."

3. "Big sister/brother is getting a promotion! Baby #2 arriving [due date]."

4. "We're adding another little one to our crew! Baby #2 coming [month/year]."

5. "Exciting news: Baby #2 is joining our family! Get ready for double the fun."

6. "Two under two, here we come! Baby #2 arriving [due date]."

7. "Our hearts are expanding as our family grows! Baby #2 is on the way."

8. "The adventure continues with Baby #2! We can't wait to meet our newest addition."

9. "Announcing baby #2: our family is getting a little bigger and a lot more fun!"

10. "From a family of three to a family of four! Baby #2 is joining us soon."

Above is Second baby announcement sayings.

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