Shirts sayings

1. "Be Kind"

2. "Stay Wild"

3. "Good Vibes Only"

4. "Choose Joy"

5. "Positive Mind, Positive Life"

6. "Adventure Awaits"

7. "Love Wins"

8. "Dream Big"

9. "Empowered Women Empower Women"

10. "Not All Who Wander Are Lost"

Above is Shirts sayings.

Best sayings on man

1. A man is not defined by his muscles, his facial hair, or what he wears. A man is defined by his actions, his integrity, and his ability to stand up for what is right.2. The measure of a man is not how much he has, but how much he gives.3. A real man is one who can overlook his own desires to

Best funny english sayings

1. I'm not arguing, I'm just explaining why I'm right.2. I'm not lazy, I'm just in energy-saving mode.3. I'm not a complete idiot, some parts are missing.4. I'm not clumsy, the floor just hates me.5. I'm not short, I'm just more down to earth than most people.6. I'm not a control freak, b

Custom pencils with positive sayings

Custom pencils with positive sayings can be a great way to spread positivity and motivation. Here are some ideas for positive sayings that can be printed on custom pencils:1. You are capable of amazing things.2. Believe in yourself.3. Positive vibes only.4. You are enough.5. Dream big, work

Glitterati sayings

1. Life is a party, dress like it.2. Shine bright like a diamond.3. Glitter is my favorite color.4. Always be a little extra.5. Sparkle wherever you go.6. Glitter is the new black.7. Life is too short to wear boring clothes.8. Leave a little sparkle wherever you go.9. She leaves a l

Porch pillows with sayings

Here are some ideas for porch pillows with sayings:1. Welcome to our happy place2. Sip, relax, repeat3. Life is better on the porch4. Enjoy the little things5. Home sweet home6. Good vibes only7. Sunshine and porch time8. Let's sit and chat9. Breathe in, breathe out10. This is whe

Sayings in the 80's

1. Gag me with a spoon!2. Totally tubular!3. Where's the beef?4. I pity the fool!5. Radical, dude!6. Don't have a cow, man!7. Just say no.8. I'm so sure.9. Barf me out!10. As if!

Lip gloss quotes sayings

1. Life is short, wear the lip gloss. 2. A little lip gloss never hurt nobody. 3. Gloss up and show up. 4. Lips without gloss are like cake without frosting. 5. Shine bright like your lip gloss. 6. When in doubt, wear more lip gloss. 7. Lip gloss is my love language. 8. Glossy lips, h

Haikyuu anime sayings

1. The ball is in your court now. - Kageyama Tobio2. Don't just watch, support me! - Hinata Shoyo3. Volleyball is a sport where you're always looking up. - Kageyama Tobio4. The stronger the light, the darker the shadows. - Oikawa Tooru5. The view from the top is amazing. - Ushijima Wakatos

50th over the hill sayings

1. Life begins at 50, so they say.2. Fifty and fabulous!3. 50 is the new 30.4. Half a century young.5. Age is just a number, but 50 is a milestone.6. Fifty and thriving.7. 50 and still rocking it.8. Embracing the wisdom of 50.9. 50 is the new chapter of life.10. Living life to the

Funny cricut sayings

1. Crafting is my cardio.2. I can't, I'm crafting.3. Crafting: because adulting is hard.4. I craft so I don't choke people.5. I run on caffeine and cricut creations.6. Crafting is my therapy.7. Crafting: the original stress reliever.8. I can't keep calm, I'm a crafter.9. Crafting: w