Shree swami samarth sayings

Here are a few sayings attributed to Shree Swami Samarth:

1. "Perform your duties without attachment. Do not be concerned about the results of your actions."

2. "Have faith in the Guru and surrender to his will. He will guide you on the right path."

3. "Do not be swayed by worldly desires and distractions. Stay focused on your spiritual journey."

4. "Practice self-discipline and self-control. These are the keys to spiritual growth."

5. "Treat everyone with love and respect, for in every being resides the divine presence."

6. "Surrender your ego and pride at the feet of the Guru. Only then can you attain true liberation."

7. "Chant the name of the Lord with devotion and sincerity. It will purify your mind and soul."

8. "Do not judge others, for you do not know their journey. Focus on your own spiritual progress."

9. "Seek the company of the wise and the virtuous. Their presence will inspire and uplift you."

10. "Remember, the Guru is always with you, guiding and protecting you. Trust in his divine grace."

Above is Shree swami samarth sayings.

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