Silly cat sayings printable

Here are some silly cat sayings that you can use to create a printable:

1. "I'm feline fine!"

2. "Purr-fectly fabulous!"

3. "Meow is the time to relax."

4. "I'm not lazy, I'm just on cat time."

5. "I'm not fat, I'm just fluffy."

6. "I'm pawsitively adorable."

7. "I'm not a morning cat, I'm a night owl."

8. "I'm not bossy, I just have cattitude."

9. "I'm not a scaredy-cat, I'm just cautious."

10. "I'm not a picky eater, I just have refined taste."

Feel free to use these sayings to create a fun and playful printable for cat lovers!

Above is Silly cat sayings printable.

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