Southern sayings and phrases

1. "Bless your heart" - a polite way of saying someone is being foolish or naive

2. "Fixin' to" - getting ready to do something

3. "Y'all" - a contraction of "you all" used to address a group of people

4. "Ain't that the cat's pajamas" - expressing admiration or approval

5. "Well, butter my biscuit" - expressing surprise or astonishment

6. "Hush your mouth" - telling someone to be quiet

7. "Like a chicken with its head cut off" - acting in a frantic or disorganized manner

8. "Happy as a clam at high water" - very content or happy

9. "Cuter than a speckled pup" - very cute or adorable

10. "Grinnin' like a possum eatin' a sweet tater" - smiling broadly

Above is Southern sayings and phrases.

Common sayings with live

1. Live and let live.2. Live life to the fullest.3. Live and learn.4. Live in the moment.5. Live and breathe.6. Live and love.7. Live for today.8. Live and be happy.9. Live and let die.10. Live and be well.

Sun kissed sayings

1. She was a sun-kissed beauty, with a smile that lit up the world.2. Under the sun-kissed sky, we danced like there was no tomorrow.3. His sun-kissed skin told the story of long days spent in the warmth of the sun.4. In the golden light of the sun-kissed evening, everything seemed possible.

Easter best sayings

1. Easter is the only time when it's perfectly safe to put all your eggs in one basket.2. Easter spells out beauty, the rare beauty of new life. - S.D. Gordon3. Easter is meant to be a symbol of hope, renewal, and new life. - Janine di Giovanni4. The great gift of Easter is hope. - Basil C.

Safe quotes sayings

1. Safety first is safety always. - Charles M. Hayes2. Better safe than sorry.3. Safety doesn't happen by accident.4. Your safety is our priority.5. Safety is a cheap and effective insurance policy.6. Stay safe, stay strong.7. In safety lies strength.8. Safety is not a gadget but a st

Halloween short quotes sayings

1. Trick or treat, smell my feet, give me something good to eat!2. Double, double toil and trouble; Fire burn and cauldron bubble. - William Shakespeare3. Witching you a spooktacular Halloween!4. Eat, drink, and be scary!5. Boo to you from our crew!6. Ghouls just wanna have fun.7. Creep

Sayings about caring too much

1. Caring too much can sometimes lead to heartache, but it also shows the depth of your compassion.2. Care deeply, but remember to also care for yourself.3. Caring too much can make you vulnerable, but it also makes you incredibly strong.4. Sometimes caring too much means putting others befor

Sayings for staying positive

1. Every day may not be good, but there is something good in every day.2. Positive thoughts lead to positive outcomes.3. In the middle of every difficulty lies opportunity.4. Believe in yourself and all that you are. Know that there is something inside you that is greater than any obstacle.5

Sayings about not drinking alcohol

1. Sobriety is a journey, not a destination.2. Clear eyes, full hearts, can't lose.3. Sobriety is the greatest gift you can give yourself.4. Stay sober, stay strong.5. Sobriety is the new high.6. You don't need alcohol to have a good time.7. Sobriety is a superpower.8. Choose sobriety

Back stabbing family sayings

1. Blood is thicker than water, but sometimes family can be the sharpest knife.2. A family that stabs you in the back together, stays together.3. Trust no one, not even your own flesh and blood.4. Family ties can strangle just as easily as they can support.5. Beware of the smiles of your fa

Jon rothstein sayings

1. The first step to being great is believing that you can be great.2. Success is not given, it is earned.3. The only way to achieve your dreams is to work for them.4. Hard work beats talent when talent doesn't work hard.5. Champions are made when no one is watching.6. It's not about how