Thiruvalluvar sayings

Thiruvalluvar was a Tamil poet and philosopher who lived in ancient India. He is best known for his work "Thirukkural," a collection of 1,330 couplets on various aspects of life. Here are a few sayings from Thirukkural:

1. "அறம் செய்யாமை வினை நடையாமை குற்றம் செய்யாமை நீத்தார்."

Translation: "To refrain from doing evil, to do good, and to purify the mind, is the teaching of the wise."

2. "அன்புடைய ராத்தம் அறிவுடைய ராத்தம் உயிர்க்குத் தரும் இன்பம் பலவுடைய ராத்தம்."

Translation: "The greatest wealth is to possess affection; the greatest knowledge is to know oneself; the greatest happiness is to give life to others."

3. "அகத்துணை இன்பம் விழும் பகைக்கும் உண்டாம் அறிவுடையர் வேண்டும்."

Translation: "Even in the presence of happiness, one should be prepared for enmity; the wise should always be prepared."

These sayings reflect Thiruvalluvar's emphasis on ethics, morality, and the importance of self-awareness in leading a meaningful life.

Above is Thiruvalluvar sayings.

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