Valentines day sayings in french

1. "Je t'aime plus que tout." (I love you more than anything.)

2. "Mon amour pour toi est éternel." (My love for you is eternal.)

3. "Tu es mon trésor." (You are my treasure.)

4. "Avec toi, chaque jour est la Saint-Valentin." (With you, every day is Valentine's Day.)

5. "Tu es la lumière de ma vie." (You are the light of my life.)

6. "Mon cœur t'appartient." (My heart belongs to you.)

7. "Tu es mon âme sœur." (You are my soulmate.)

8. "Tu es la personne la plus spéciale dans ma vie." (You are the most special person in my life.)

9. "Je suis fou/folle de toi." (I am crazy about you.)

10. "Tu es ma joie, mon bonheur, mon amour." (You are my joy, my happiness, my love.)

Above is Valentines day sayings in french.

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 Sayings Collection

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