Wolverhampton sayings

1. "Bostin'": A term used to describe something that is excellent or great.

2. "Ay it": A phrase used to express agreement or confirmation.

3. "Gorra cob on": Means to be in a bad mood or have a temper.

4. "Babby": A term used to refer to a baby or young child.

5. "Yow am": A way of saying "you are" in the Wolverhampton dialect.

6. "Bab": A term of endearment used to refer to a friend or loved one.

7. "Giz a brew": A request for a cup of tea or coffee.

8. "I'm off down the wammie": Means going to the shops or town center.

9. "Yam": Means home in the Wolverhampton dialect.

10. "Ow bin ya?": A common greeting meaning "How are you?"

Above is Wolverhampton sayings.

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