Addams family pinball sayings

1. "They're creepy and they're kooky, mysterious and spooky!"

2. "It's showtime!"

3. "Thing, lend me a hand!"

4. "Cousin Itt, you're a hair-raising addition to the family!"

5. "Gomez, you're positively ghoulish!"

6. "Morticia, you're drop-dead gorgeous!"

7. "Uncle Fester, you're electrifying!"

8. "Lurch, you're a real dead ringer!"

9. "Wednesday, you're delightfully dreadful!"

10. "Pugsley, you're a little monster!"

Above is Addams family pinball sayings.

Virgo sayings

1. I analyze everything.2. Perfection is my goal.3. I am practical and organized.4. I pay attention to the details.5. I strive for balance in all aspects of my life.6. I am loyal and dependable.7. I am always striving to improve myself.8. I am a problem solver.9. I am a natural care

Narcissistic sayings quotes

1. I'm not conceited, I'm just convinced of my own greatness.2. I don't need validation from anyone, I already know how amazing I am.3. I'm not arrogant, I'm just better than everyone else.4. I'm not self-centered, I'm just the center of my own universe.5. I'm not vain, I'm just in love wit

Just like jacky sayings

I'm not sure what specific sayings you are referring to, but here are a few quotes attributed to famous people named Jacky:1. Success is not the key to happiness. Happiness is the key to success. If you love what you are doing, you will be successful. - Jacky Chan2. Life is like riding a bicycle.

Funny sayings for gravestones

1. I told you I was sick!2. Well, this is awkward...3. Here lies someone who finally stopped procrastinating.4. I'm just here for the eternal nap.5. Don't worry, I'll haunt you later.6. I always knew I'd end up here.7. At least I don't have to pay taxes anymore.8. Here lies the world'

Toy story alien sayings

1. Oooh, the claw!2. You have saved our lives, we are eternally grateful!3. You are a chosen one!4. The claw is our master!5. We are eternally grateful for your kindness!6. You have been chosen by the claw!7. We are eternally grateful for your mercy!8. The claw has spoken!9. You hav

Cleaner than a sayings

Cleaner than a whistle.

Funny cheetah sayings

1. I'm not lazy, I'm just conserving energy like a cheetah.2. I'm so fast, even cheetahs are jealous.3. Life is short, so run like a cheetah.4. Cheetahs: the original speed demons.5. I'm not a cheetah, but I sure can sprint to the fridge.6. Cheetahs may be fast, but I'm quick-witted.7.

Birthday card sayings for a daughter

1. To my beautiful daughter on her special day, may your birthday be as bright and joyful as you are.2. Happy birthday to my amazing daughter! You bring so much love and happiness into my life.3. Daughter, you are a gift from above and I am so grateful to celebrate another year of your life. Ha

Disloyalty quotes sayings

1. The only thing more painful than a broken promise is the betrayal of trust. 2. Betrayal is the only truth that sticks. - Arthur Miller3. Disloyalty is like a cancer in any relationship; it spreads and destroys everything in its path. 4. A true friend never betrays you, but if they do, they

Funny resolutions sayings

1. My resolution for this year is to remember to put the 'fun' in 'dysfunctional.'2. I resolve to stop pretending that I have it all together, and just embrace my chaos.3. This year, I'm resolving to be more spontaneous...just as soon as I schedule it in.4. My resolution is to be more positiv