Barney the purple dinosaur sayings

1. "I love you, you love me, we're a happy family."

2. "I'm a happy dinosaur, dancing all around."

3. "I'm a special friend, you'll see. You're special too to me."

4. "Being together with friends is what it's all about."

5. "I'm a great big dinosaur, with big feet on the floor."

6. "I'm a dinosaur, I'm a dinosaur, I'm a dinosaur, hear me roar!"

7. "I'm a friendly dinosaur, I'm everyone's friend."

8. "I'm a happy dinosaur, I'm always here for you."

9. "I'm a purple dinosaur, spreading love and joy."

10. "I'm a silly dinosaur, making everyone smile."

Above is Barney the purple dinosaur sayings.

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